Preparing pork perfectly is an art – it is a very fine line between achieving juicy meat and meat as dry as the soles of your shoes, especially with pork. There are a number of instructions to follow, from buying the right meat through to the prep of the grill and the exact preparation with the core temperature gauge. In the video we show you what you need to be aware of when you are barbecuing a perfect pork chop. Here are the most important points that we explain in more detail in the video.


  • Meat: Pork chop with sufficient marbling and a thick fatty edge
  • Place the meat under an indirect heat of 53 degrees Celsius
  • Cut into the fatty edge and rub in a generous amount of salt
  • Sear at maximum heat (e.g. Volcano position with the cast iron griddle)
  • First brown the fatty edge so that the fat drains off
  • Fry the sides of the steak in the fat that has drained off
  • Take off the grill no later than when the meat has reached a core temperature of 56 degrees Celsius
  • Leave the meat to rest – to ensure temperature equalisation in the steak
  • Do not cut off the fatty edge under any circumstances
  • Remove it from the bone, carve and add some seasoning

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